Nyc gay pride parade today

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The ACLU brought its first LGBT rights case in 1936, brought the first case seeking the freedom to marry for same-sex couples in 1970, litigated the Supreme Court cases that took down the Defense of Marriage Act which won marriage equality nationwide, and represented transgender student Gavin Grimm before the Supreme Court. The American Civil Liberties Union for nearly 100 years has been the United States’ uncompromising defender of individual rights and liberties as guaranteed by the Constitution.They will lead this year’s critical demonstration of LGBT Pride and protest.

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The first grand marshal is an organization, The American Civil Liberties Union, and is followed by Brooke Guinan, Krishna Stone, and Geng Le. NYC Pride has announced its four grand marshals to lead the 48th NYC Pride March on Sunday, June 25, 2017.

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New York City Pride Grand Marshals for 2017 Parade

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